Since we do not provide the names of the transacting parties, abbreviations in this field are provided for your better judgement. These may be preceded by the letter "B" denoting "sale by" or the letter "T" denoting "sale to", e.g. BBU stands for "sale by builder", i.e. a sale of a new-built property.
- when there is not an abbreviation in this field, the transaction is between two private individuals
AOL - Assignation of Lease
BK - Bank; normally the sale of a repossessed property
BS - Building Society; normally the sale of a repossessed property (historical records)
BU - indicates the very first sale by a developer of a new-built property
C/D - Counter Disposition
CT - Non profit making organisations, such as Charities
DC - District Council, a historical term for a Local/Unitary Authority
DCNEW - District Council New built
ED - Educational Authority
HA - Housing Association
HB - Health Board (NHS Trust)
PB - indicates the very first sale by a small developer of a new-built property
PC - Private Company, normally in the business of refurbishing properties
P/E - Sellers house accepted as part payment on a new house (normally builders sales)
PF - Pension Fund
P/S - Common practice with some builders i.e 4/5 share (if fraction known then it becomes BBU4/5)
RFB - Refurbished property (only used when known that this is indeed the case)
SHARE - Sale of a share in property
CUM - (cumulo) indicates more than one record under same price but with different title numbers each; records may be in different counties
MLT - (multiple) indicates more than one record under the same price and the same title number
SS - Scottish Ministers (Secretary of State for Scotland in historical records)
ST - Sitting Tennant
X - Approach sale price with caution, it may not represent a true market value, e.g. divorce settlement
WA - Water Authority