Frequently asked questions
1 . Can you give me a one minute drive through your site?

You will find here sales evidence of every residential property sold in Scotland since 1989.  Locate the property(ies) you are interested in with our flexible and user friendly search routines and pay on-line before the sale price of the property(ies) and all other information is revealed.  Please note that the £3.00 min charge applies per session, you cannot part-complete a session and come back for more searches.

You may:

1. View the results on-line (HTML screen), or

2. Download and store on your computer a PDF file if you want to print (you are advised to create a folder to store these reports), or

3. Read the News section or visit our House Price Statistics for current and historical statistical analyses.

4. Visit our School League Tables section, to obtain information on every secondary school in Scotland.

 Any further questions may be answered in this FAQ section (we can even include any suggestions you may have) or our context sensitive Help screens (press the ? wherever it appears).

Last updated on: 26/02/2011 12:47:34
8 . What is a digital certificate?
A digital certificate is an electronic document that is passed between a browser and a server, in order to verify the identity of the sender.
Last updated on: 26/02/2011 12:54:47
4 . What abbreviations do you use for flat positions?

We will use the following abbreviations, if we know the flat position.  Please note that quite often, and particularly in new-built flats, positions are not registered and hence they do not appear on our site.

Ground floor/left = G/L

First floor/Middle = 1/M

First floor/ front left = 1/FL

Ground Front = G/FT

Ground Floor & Basement = G/F+B      

Upper Flat = U/F

Main Door = M/D

Mezzanine Flat = MZ/F

Top Floor & Attic = T/F+A

Garden (or basement) Flat = B/F    

Northmost 1st floor flat = 1/N     and similarly for South, East and West

Last updated on: 26/02/2011 12:55:04
2 . What abbreviations do you use for the throughfare descriptors?

Street names can either be entered in full, i.e. Byres Road or by typing part of the name, your results will show all streetnames in your chosen area with the prefix. i.e. for Byres Road, type Byres or Byr in the street name and you will get Byres Street, Byres Road, Byres Place but also Byrne Road, Byrne Place etc.

Last updated on: 11/02/2011 10:35:30
3 . I have noticed abbreviations under "Saletype" on my report - what do they stand for?

Since we do not provide the names of the transacting parties, abbreviations in this field are provided for your better judgement.  These may be preceded by the letter "B" denoting "sale by" or the letter "T" denoting "sale to", e.g. BBU stands for "sale by builder", i.e. a sale of a new-built property.

- when there is not an abbreviation in this field, the transaction is between two private individuals

AOL - Assignation of Lease

BK - Bank; normally the sale of a repossessed property

BS - Building Society; normally the sale of a repossessed property (historical records)

BU - indicates the very first sale by a developer of a new-built property

C/D - Counter Disposition

CT - Non profit making organisations, such as Charities

DC - District Council, a historical term for a Local/Unitary Authority

DCNEW - District Council New built

ED - Educational Authority

HA - Housing Association

HB - Health Board (NHS Trust)

PB - indicates the very first sale by a small developer of a new-built property

PC - Private Company, normally in the business of refurbishing properties

P/E - Sellers house accepted as part payment on a new house (normally builders sales)

PF - Pension Fund

P/S - Common practice with some builders i.e 4/5 share (if fraction known then it  becomes BBU4/5)

RFB - Refurbished property (only used when known that this is indeed the case)

SHARE - Sale of a share in property

CUM - (cumulo) indicates more than one record under same price but with different title numbers each; records may be in different counties

MLT - (multiple) indicates more than one record under the same price and the same title number

SS - Scottish Ministers (Secretary of State for Scotland in historical records)

ST - Sitting Tennant

X - Approach sale price with caution, it may not represent a true market value, e.g. divorce settlement

WA - Water Authority


Last updated on: 01/11/2015 08:25:21
5 . What is the "Deedcode" in my report?

Code 11 - sale

Code 20 - standard security

Code 46 - assignation of a lease

Code 40 - lease (price per annum)


Last updated on: 26/02/2011 12:55:35
6 . What do the numbers for Grid Ref E and Grid Ref N on the top left of my report mean?
These numbers define the geographical co-ordinates for locating the property on a map.  They are based on the British National Grid system and the stand for Grid Reference East and Grid Reference North, respectively.  They are used in all the mapping applications that have been developed or will appear in the future.
Last updated on: 26/02/2011 12:56:38
7 . What is the OSAPR alphanumeric string, which appears on my report?
This is a unique property reference number used by the Ordnance Survey (OS).  This number is protected by Crown Copyright.
Last updated on: 26/02/2011 12:56:53
9 . What does PDF (LIMITED) mean?
This option will allow the formation of a structured print file in pdf format, limited to the first 75 records of the search result. It has been necessary to impose this restriction, as otherwise a 'bulk data download' would have been possible, a facility that is precluded by our licence from the data provider.
Last updated on: 31/10/2018 07:10:11